Monday, December 7, 2009

Tim Tebow

I want to take a moment to speak of the football player, college and professional, that is glorified and sometimes referenced in the same breath as Jesus. While some may say that he is the greatest player to ever play in college football and some even say that he will be the greatest player to ever play in professional football, which would make him the greatest player to ever play the game. I have known about Tim Tebow since his senior year in high school, I am not saying that I knew Tebow just that I has known who he was, since he was being recruited by Mike Shula and Alabama. Tebow commited to Alabama initially and then a little before signing day decommitted on a visit at Tuscaloosa, along with Brandon Spikes. That day was a sad day for me, I thought at the time, because Alabama had lost the #1 overall recruit and a quaterback that would have changed the Alabama football team for the next couple of years. But poor Mike Shula didn't land him, rather Tim Tebow committed to Florida. Since then Tim Tebow has gone on to impress anybody that has followed college football, especially those in the media, and has drawn a larger crowd to the sport. For that I thank Tim Tebow, but for those who think that he is a good football player, which I don't have much experience in, I think that you are crazy. I mean I never played football and never went through what he went through to become what he is but all of the "experts" say that he isnt a sound quaterback and wont be a good quaterback in the future. So I will let their research stand here for the arguments sake. But the main part that I wanted to mention is what I saw on December 5, 2009 and have seen in prior incidents that Tim Tebow has played in a game and lost, which has only happened 7times. Now the fact that Tim Tebow has only lost 7games in a span of 4 seasons is pretty remarkable, but being an Alabama fan and apart of the I hate Tim Tebow fan club, I try to look into those loses and see something else. Because I believe that how we deal with adversity is how we define ourselves and find out who we truly are. Tim Tebow has come back and won plenty of games while dealing with adversity, but in three of the seven loses, that I know of, Tim Tebow has broken down and cried. Now after the first loss that he was "shown" crying in I was able to put it behind me and realize that it was the first time and that hopefully it wouldnt happen agian, that he would learn from that hideous showing and never cry again. But silly Tim Tebow did not, he merely did it again, this time in a press conference, after the Ole Miss loss in 2008. But the Tears of Tebow didn't make me realize how pathetic Tim is untill the 2009 SEC championship when heavily favored Florida was dominated and Tim Tebow was silenced by my Alabama Crimson Tide. Tim Tebow was shown not just crying, but bawling on the sideline during the end of the game, then a little teary eyed at the post-game press conference. Tim Tebow has a hard time dealing with defeat, but that isn't what bothers me about him, the fact that it puts his weak self to tears is what bothers me. If you are going to be the leader of a team and considered a great motivator, you can't show weakness by breaking down and crying when something doesn't go according to plan. You have to man up and go with it, learn from what has just happened and make changes accordingly. Something I have learned in my 21 years of being alive is that sitting around and crying has never solved anything, it can even make the situation worsen. Looking at Tim Tebow bawl on the sideline made me hope that their were fathers in America that were showing their sons exactly how not to act when something doesnt go as planned and you get beat. If one day I am blessed with a son that wants to play football I want my son to look at Tim Tebow and realize that you shouldn't sit and sulk about what has just happened, but to see and learn from it. To take it like a man and make yourself better. Not even the great players win every game, they are just able to accept their loss and make themselves better from it, for adversity is only good if you can learn and become better.

P.S. I would much rather have missed on Tim Tebow and gotten Saban and had McElroy throwing Bama's passes in the championship game.
Wing Man Out!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Road Trip

I want to talk about Road Trips. Merriam-Webster defines a Road Trip as being an extended trip in a motor vehicle. I want to specifically focus on those taken in cars. While you may think that driving will limit your choices and options on the vast number of places that you can travel to, I see it as more of a challenge to be able to get to those places with a car. I am not saying that you should try to cross the Pacific Ocean in your 2001 Ford Taurus, even though that would be kind of interesting, but be creative. While trekking across the world would be fun and all, I really just want to focus on staying in this continent, mainly this country. I have been telling the legendary story of the recent Road Trip that Bro and I went on to almost anybody with capable hearing skills, and some people that don’t, and have found that nobody travels by car for long durations anymore, they would rather just fly. I answer back to those people that it is definitely more convenient, but then I ask, “Is convenient what you want?” If so then you are probably not taking a real Road Trip. You see a Road Trip involves good friends, a steady vehicle, and not knowing exactly what is going to happen when you get there. I have been on car rides with my family for the past 21 years and have realized that the more you know beforehand, the less fun you have when you actually arrive. I mean sure, I would like to know that there is somewhere for me to stay, how the weather will be, and maybe one big event that we will be attending, like the LSU vs. Arkansas game (which was awesome!). But even those aren’t necessary for the Road Trip. My vision of a Road Trip is something that is just spontaneous and you go on by the seat of your pants and make the decisions as they come (you may want to bring extra cash). But that is what makes a Road Trip, you and you friend(s) going across this great country and deciding on what to do on your way to wherever you are going. So I challenge you, my followers, to grab some friends, get together in a car and just go somewhere new. I mean sure it may cause a lot of traffic and fill a lot of hotel vacancies, but wouldn’t that help out this country a little bit? Anyways it beats the alternative, work.

Wing Man Out!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend '09

21 years and Thanksgiving remains my favorite holiday. Don't get me wrong, I like Christmas, 4th of July, and even Halloween. But Thanksgiving has to be the best. If you think about it and know what I like to do, I get the whole day off of work, get to watch football all day, may even play a little football, and stuff my face with some good 'ol home cooking. The thing about this years Thanksgiving had nothing, well maybe a little something, to do with the actually Thursday the 26th of November. But the day after when my bro and I set off on one of our awesome road trips. We decided to go and give our sympathy to our poor friend. Well she may not like me enough to refer to me as a friend, so lets call her Mike. You see Mike is with the enemy of the greatest football program of all time, ever! She thinks that we stole her coach, when in reality he decided to ditch the murky water's of LSU and Roll with the Tide (if you know what I mean). But differences aside, she is really nice (whether or not it is just southern hospitality) and puts up with my constant always being right. (If you follow this blog then you know that 9 times out of 8, I am always right). So she allows my bro and I to partake in this festival that occurs once a year, known as the battle of the boot. It is a football game between the LSU Tigers and the Arkansas Razorbacks. The game in itself seems a little down this year, with both teams having already lost 3 games a piece, but don't tell them that. These two teams have been waiting for this game for a whole year, well 2 for LSU who have been beaten by Arkansas the past 2 seasons. So we get to the game, after having already been to the LSU vs. Tulane game, which was still pretty awesome, but no where near as awesome as the Battle of the Golden Boot. Keep in mind that this was on Thanksgiving weekend and "some" students were still with their families enjoying the game from the warm comfort of their homes while trying to digest all the great food that they had munched down. But every time you step into Tiger Stadium, A.K.A. Death Valley, you get this adrenaline rush that just runs through you and lets you know that this game is going to be awesome! That each of these teams hate each other and they are going to hit each other hard,, and that in the end everyone will be exhausted because in rivalry games even the fans hit hard (oooo-eeee-oooo YOU SUCK!). Just imagine 92,000 Tiger fans screaming for 60 minutes. It gets a little tiring after all is done, but you don't regret any part of it. I have never spent a Thanksgiving Weekend driving 4 hours to a bar, to watch the Iron Bowl in which Alabama only needed 1:24 to beat silly Auburn, then complete the trek with another 4 hour ride through the dark into the heart of Tiger Country, were there was a competitive game of Apples to Apples, in which Badonka Donk cheated in, followed by an interesting night for all of the members of the story (my back is still stiff). Congrats were in order however the next morning for more than just OU, if you know what I mean. If you don't then you should know that Bro and I were challenged to finish off a little something that we totally took to the dumps! (Literally, but really Bro knows what I am talking about, congrats). Then we proceeded into the game where as before mentioned Bro and I experienced the greatest spectacle of any sport that we had ever been to. Then of course we took off the next morning bright and early for my followers missed and desperately needed me to return to my spot and fill their stomachs. All I can say is that it was the best Thanksgiving Weekend that I had ever had, maybe even best weekend ever. But don't just take it from me, let my Bro tell you how it was,
"I have driven 1024 miles the past three days and it was worth every single one.
great game, great friends, great weekend."
Just trust me when I say that and LSU football game, especially the one against Arkansas, is something that you must partake in and have some fun with, it is one of those once in a lifetime things. At least I hope not.

For those who attended the game with us, got us the tickets with ID's, gave us somewhere to stay, and showed us another awesome time in Louisiana; that what Happens in Baton Rouge, stays in Baton Rouge. And Thank You abunch!

Wing Man Out!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Well Well Well

We have arrived here at October 21, 2009 and while I have only been waiting and anticipating this moment for what feels like forever my twenty-first birthday is only 2 weeks away. Now usually people count down their 21st birthday for the chance to go to a bar and order a drink, but I however have been waiting for this moment because now I get the chance to fulfill my passion to go to Vegas and just go nuts, as I have always wanted to do. So Vegas, see ya in two weeks!

Wing Man out!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So I am walking around the lovely UTA campus on a nice fall day, that warmed up surprisingly, I couldn't help but notice something that didn't look quite right. Even though I was engaged in a heated controversy on the telephone with a bro who was a little confused, I managed to see and observe this trend that had been catching on with the students at UTA. Now I have been hearing all of the students at UTA talk about this event and how they enjoyed it and would try to push others to do it with them. You know all of the stereotypes that are associated with UTA, and if you dont just ask someone who has attended, but the stereotype is the group that I saw out there, with a couple of additions from curious white girls. I am not one who looks down upon this event and I shall not judge these gentlemen (and a few ladies) but the fact that they were doing this in the middle of this lovely campus, next to Central Library for all of the UTA students, on a Wednesday at noon baffled me. I was so distraught that I had to stop and look and ask a friend, who i was on the phone with, if I was seeing what I was actually seeing. (and as usual was little help) After I managed the strength to not go over and ask them why they were doing this here and now I thought to myself, Only At UTA.

Wingman OUT!

Monday, October 12, 2009


What I want to know is where the hell did people's manners go when they are out and about with other people. Some of these people are walking around oblivious to the others around them and just trying to get somewhere. I will be conducting experiments for the next couple of months and keeping them in here to share with all of my devoted followers. I will be observing others behaviors and commenting on my thoughts so that you can avoid these, and who knows maybe we make this a better place.
I want to start with elevator behavior. When you are going to get on an elevator the rule is to wait for those to get off first, then you board the elevator. You don't stand by the door frantically waiting for the doors to open like a little kid who has never ridden one before, but you are patient. The elevator is not going to just open, let the people out, and then say nevermind and just go back up. So be patient, wait for others to get off, and hey maybe give them a nod or a nice, "Hello, how are you?"
What Would Your Mother Think?

Wingman Out!


Oh how everything that I have said has gone against me and that if I would only have known that the cardinals would not bring their bats to any of the games to help out their stout pitching. Or how Matt Holliday would embarras me with a play that would resemble a left-fielder that I used to play with, who has been mentioned in past blogs. For my cardinals who were going to represent me and be the blessings that they are and defeat the Yankees have vanished into thin air like the Nationals on *Opening Day. So I push forward like the silly cowboys who seem to think that their win, which the should have lost about 4 different ways but granted they did still win, I change my focus to a team of the past and only have to say one word, ROCKTOBER! So lets go Rockies for I hate the Phillies with a passion, you have a new manager and a new left-fielder (thank god) but I still see that passion that you had when you won 20-21 to get the World Series only to lose to the Red Sox in 4, but this year is different you will make it back, but this time will triumph.

Also I hate to say this but Go Angels!

*I am starting right now to push that Opening Day in Major League Baseball become a holiday, and I dont mean a fake holliday (like matt), I mean if Christopher Columbus gets a holiday then why cant something that is more American get one? Columbus didnt even win the race to the promised land, baseball did.

Wingman out!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Hit

For it is not the degree to which I roped the baseball down the line but that I hit it after countless years of hearing that I, Wing Expert, would never get a hit off of this unhittable pitching machine that isn’t afraid to throw at J-Long in batting practice, even with the coach standing behind. (BTW J-Long started crying I think, and he didn’t even get hit). But I digress, so the fact that I was facing this pitcher and had fallen behind after taking some mammoth sized hacks at the first two pitches I managed to work the count back to even at 2-2. I then looked up at the pitcher, since he is on a mound and throwing down to me, (doesn’t seem fair right?) I then stepped into the box and awaited the punch out pitch I knew that he would throw, you see he has a sign that he gives away when he throws this pitch, he gave me a chuckle as if he thought that I was already out. The pitch came and I gripped my bat with a deadly interlocking grip and thrust my weight back then pushed forward in a gingerly sweep through the baseball making clean contact and roping the ball so hard that it turned into a white blur and the left fielder who I agree couldn’t change from a H&S of anchor 1 to a three shot then cut to a pic all in a swoop while on the air. But do you blame this young man who has been put into a position that he should never had been in?
You just simply marvel at the batter who overcame adversity to triumph and achieve second base….

Wingman Out!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So I heard a tip from a close friend that I would receive a telephone call about teaching someone how to pitch. (Ok the tip was from my dad but you get the point.) I will be receiving a phone call from a friend of my dad and he will ask me to bestow my wisdom upon son on the art of pitching. I know what you are thinking if you know anything about my pitching, you are asking yourself why anybody in their right mind would pick me a random fill pitcher, meaning I pitch when everyone else has or the game is basically over and the coach needs someone that can come in and eat up some innings. But after I have had a night to think about this I have realized that I could actually be a pretty good pitching teacher. For those of you who haven’t seen me pitch I will tell you that I do not throw that hard, upper 70’s sometimes low 80’s, with a slightly average curve ball and a change up a that I have little faith in most of the time. But if you think about it then I have had to outthink hitters while sneaking pitches by them and use my scheme and mechanics to be able to get hitters out. I don’t have a 95 mph fastball that I can just hum by hitters or a deuce that will buckle the knees or even for a fellow teammate that had a changeup that at times with his fastball is a lethal combination, even though I roped one of those changeups for a double down the line. So realizing that I don’t have as much god given talent as most people pitching I found a way of working through all of these hurdles and being a pretty successful pitcher throughout 5A high school baseball, and to be honest I think that if I had gone on to play in Missouri then I think that I could have pitched in NAIA level. So here’s to maybe the start of something special, I will help this kid all that I can and hopefully he has a little speed in his fastball or a knee breaking curveball and with my little guidance will go on to be one of the pitchers that I am announcing into the game.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Well it is here everyone and I know that you are probably not as excited about it as I am but October has arrived. Yes I think that October is the most wonderful time of the year, what are you going say about that? But here is what I have to say on why it is the most wonderful time of the year. You see with October you get the seasons changing but not to a point where it is too cold, but also not too hot. The leaves change colors, but who really cares right? I mean yea it looks good and all but really. Also with October comes the countdown to the last three months of the year, which all end with a holiday. The two final holidays give you time off of work. New seasons start up for television shows, HIMYM, and they usually always rock. (HIMYM) NHL hockey is starting up, and NFL football is starting to hit it's stride. Baseball is getting more fun, with playoff races and who will fill the fabled wild card role. Then after the races comes the best part, the playoffs, capped off with the World Series. (Cardinals beating the Yankees in 6) But the most important part of is the start of SEC conference play football, where defenses show up to dominate and offenses run and run and run and then usually punt. (except BAMA we run until we get to the endzone) But this is by far my favorite type of football to be played, yes I like to see the defensive struggle, where you win a game 13-10 (2006 Cotton Bowl) or when you win 6-3 (Bama over Tenn 2005). Dont get me wrong I also like to see a high scoring game as well, tune in October 17 to see OU dominate UT. So dont get me wrong I enjoy watching the high scoring NFL type games but if you can give me a defensive SEC power running struggle, I would watch it everday, and twice on Sunday.

Wing Man Out

Monday, September 28, 2009


Today after being ousted by my theater appreciation class, (sign in on a day that even the teacher doesn't show up???) I am sitting there thinking if I should go home and dominate some fools at poker or I should just get my book and find somewhere and read. I opted to read in order to preserve money (for Vegas!) and keep the bomb parking spot that I swept in for and stole from some pathetic quickie. I was just sitting there minding my own business when all of a sudden my main BRO replied to my WTF text and then said that there was this girl that matched him, that I had been telling him to approach and, "hit that," he then replied with a simple 5 letter text that wound up being a shot through the heart. (and yes, you give love a bad name!) However this shot was not a good one, that increased my psychitude and gave me massive amounts of psych, but a shot of disbelief and fear, seeing that everything that this bro has spoken has just been thrown out the window, by this hypocrite. The text ran in simple jargon, but from this BRO'S teachings and countless ridicule on me using this tone and verbal usage caused me to not only go over the top and say WTF right there in the library (and yes I actually said the whole thing, not the abbreviation) but also caused me to spiral into an uncontrolable rage that made my day go from bad to worse. Here I am dealing with a situation and my main BRO who has criticized me and taught me the arrant of my ways about this simple little phrase being evil and should be banished from my vocabulary and never heard again. Now you may be wondering, Wing Expert, what the hell did BRO say? I will reply with a direct quote, "I'll try really hard today," BRO. Now at first I detected a bit of sarcasm in the text, since I had been pushing him to approach these girls that he has had his eye on, but there have been obstacles that I didn't see before. (At first I just thought that it was BRO being BRO, because he thinks that because he looks so good that the girls should just see him then want him at that moment.) But now I see that we are dealing with a much greater obstacle than I could ever imagine.For BRO is trying, rather than doing.

BTW, I hate mac's.

-Wing Man out!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It has come to my knowledge that there is no French or German word for the word awesome. However in the language of american, and no i dont mean eubonics, we have the word awesome itself along with 39 synonyms and 1 antonym. Even though one of the synonyms is hairy we get the point. So in conclusion america wins while france and germany suck! (at different things for a friends sake, who is studying a broad.)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Back!!!!

I realized today, September 22, 2009 why exactly How I Met Your Mother is the best show that I have ever seen in my life. (Yea that’s right Doug, I officially have a new favorite all time favorite show) I have watched the first episode of season five 4 times and plan on watching it many more in the next couple of days. The first time was how I can put this, AWESOME! But watching 3 times the day after, Tuesday, I realized that it isn’t just the silly one liners that I text back and forth with my wing intern. (you like that, no name dropping!)It is the way that all the writers have the episodes all align with problems that you see at first as separate problems between the gang, but they happen to tie together and all relate to a same problem that they are all trying to figure out, together. The episode called “definitions” was awesome and I hope that they keep on making the episodes as they always have, while keeping in the witty one-liners that I can keep texting to my wing intern.

Wingman out!

Monday, June 22, 2009

A little background.......

Well I understand and agree with what my dear friend Pete is trying to do but it can’t be done. We can try, haha, but we can’t do it. If you believe in the heartwarming story of everyone doing instead of trying, but really then Pete needs to get out there and realize that there are a lot of things that we can’t do but can try. Take for instance me and calculus, it is proven that I can’t do it, ask Veilliux, but I tried (for the most part). Or for instance Pete himself, the creator of this new concept, can’t purr at unsuspecting females, granted he tries over and over again, but even he will admit to saying that he can’t do it. Another very strong point for defending my case is the game of golf, while Pete says that you shouldn’t try but do, well when Pete play’s me in golf he is not beating me, just merely trying to beat me. So this profound discovery of losing try and replacing it with do is a little farfetched since the creator of the theory tries in about everything he does.
I am stoked for the chance to go to the 2010 US Open, and if someone with the USGA is reading this I will be a hard working and perfect volunteer for any position that you put me in, and can also fill in if you think that the final pairing isn’t strong enough.
Wing Man!

Monday, June 15, 2009

New Time = Badass Season

So I was watching How I Met Your Mother Monday night and was enjoying the “Woo Girls” episode. As I was watching I was catching up on my bro code knowledge and saw
-Article 96
“Bros shall go camping once a year, or at least attempt to start a fire”
I quickly ran through the recollection of my HIMYM knowledge and realized that they hadn’t gone camping in an episode yet, well there was the Bracket episode where Barney revealed that he had gone camping with a girl, had sex, and then left her. (we don’t really see if Barney had sex but come on… it’s Barney.) So hopefully in this next season we will get a badass camping episode with the gang (and Ted). What has me thinking this is the new time that HIMYM will air on, this next season. It will be thirty minutes earlier starting next week for those who need the news bulletin. So hopefully, like in the Bracket episode again, big board = big results I am hoping that New time = badass season, or if I could steal a quote from a dear friend legen……………..


Friday, May 22, 2009

Turning Around

I am at a fork in the road as of today. You see for so long I have sat back and hoped that everything would fall into place and have relied on everything to happen around me. But for the last week I have been hanging out with the people that have been placed here for me. Seeing what was put in front is good evidence to just keep on pursuing life as I am and that it will fall into place. I went camping recently and succumbed to peer pressure (I guess you could say that) and wound up having a really good night and met some new people at the lake, one of which I wanted to do some dirty things to. While we were hanging out I realized that I had more fun going around trying new things and meeting new people and that I can also help others and would like to think that they enjoy me conversing with them. I can either keep going on the path that I am on and hope that everything just falls into place or I can wander off the beaten path and form one that I can look back and say, “Damn that was fun.” Of course changing my lifestyle will come with some growing pains and I will have to learn to deal with rejection, but I think that I have enough mental toughness to get over it and meet others. (Besides I can just look back and quote my good friend, “Bitches be crazy so just fuck it.”) I think that in the long run that I will enjoy it more and can finally figure this college thing out that has plagued me for the last two years. Even though the path that I am on will require almost zero effort I want to work towards a decade that I can look back and say, “How am I going to top that?”

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Making this blog was really just a fun way for my friend and I to be able to communicate in a more amusing way and to take shots at each other behind our backs. This was my original intent to do until I was searching through google and stumbled across my blog and was thrilled to see that my blog that I created as a fun prank to keep between my good friend is something that can be viewed around the world by everyone. So ha take that pete, I can google myself.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Super Bowl

Oh how I love the super bowl, every year it comes as the epicenter of the year for my business since everyone and their dog come in to get some wings. I love this game even if I don’t get to watch the thing and only get to view highlights for the time being. Which is like every football game this year that has been played, I have been working all of the good ones, since we do get busy for those and have gotten to see some of the stinkers, but the super bowl is more than just a game for me, it is a signal showing that national signing day is up the week after the super bowl and then in one month comes spring training which gets me feeling good inside again so I can go watch my rangers disappoint again. But following that is what I am excited for truly this year, in April the masters will start and this year seems special to me because Tiger will be back and well that’s about it, I will admit that I am not a huge Tiger fan but watching him play when he is healthy is amazing. My dad always talks about how nobody was as good as Nicklaus, worked as hard as Hogan, or even had as big a following as Palmer, but in my lifetime Tiger Woods has been the amazing wonder that I have been able to watch and has been the most dominate in his sport than any athlete in my lifetime. Which excites me to see this year’s master with Tiger eyeing the green jacket for maybe one last time.

BTW if you do plan on coming into Wingstop this Super Bowl make sure to pre-pay for your wings otherwise be prepared to wait till half time.
-The Wing Expert

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I am a little Bro-fused

On Monday I will say nothing other than suiting up and prowling the cougar bars was top priority and all until the lord stopped me and said Kevin, "No good can come about you today and the only cougars that you will see are live cougars that will eat your flesh." Well he didn't say that exactly to me but with the freezing rain during his  downpour he got the point across to me. Therefore the cougar safari to be post-ponned until the day after the next...... Wednesday. Wednesday rolled around finally after an exhaustingly long Tuesday and as I am taking the Taurus into the shop to get it's oil changed and a new front right tire, to go with us on our trip to find these enchanting creatures I text to confirm our plans and my bro aka striker replies with a nonchalant, "no sorry," you can imagine that I was heart broken but still took the car to Firestone to get him fixed so that I could attempt this last journey before being put back into school, and I was going to do it Han style...... SOLO. Then I got a phone call from the Bossman that urged, wait begged me to come in and work that night. I thought well this quest for the cougars will be a tough one alone, and maybe i could take one next week, pending my wingman comes to his senses. (yea that's right striker with your lame ass excuse) So I averted my day to work to gain more monetary power over these cougars. Then after I get settled from Firestone I get a phone call from a wingman that has learned the error in his ways and now realizes that this is going to be our last go, well at least for the next couple of months, that he has changed his mind and feels awful for leading me on and wants to make it up by offering a sacrifice, but I wont say any names until maybe another blog???? I felt awful telling him that I had already accepting the position at work that night and had no way out. Then the evil person, whom I have never seen before came out and spoke in this evil low pitched sound that comes from the demons of the south and it said, WELL THEN I NEED MY SUITS BACK NOW!!!!! But I couldn't at the moment for I was having an interview with one of my minor league-rs about being my star in the next couple of years. But he demanded so I told the kid to wait and I would get back to her later, then I scurried on home. When he showed up I feared the worst that he would be mad and be trying to kill me for ruining his only chance since well come on isn't going to find anyone as good as me in such short notice and in all honesty he isn't as good as me where he can pull it off alone. So he proceeded to getting his suits, but as he left he turned and looked at me and with a tear in his eye he said, goodbye. So maybe there is hope that this one will come back but until he does I will continue to be a- wait for it and I hope you don't get lost -mazing.

Wing man out.

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years

The new year has come again, as it always does year in and year out, and being myself I spent it working. Then at home and actually fell asleep before it came. But as always, it came without me, and greeted me as I awoke up in the morning. (I did manage to aid in the best week for the store in the four year existence).

So to say that my new year was a waste of time would be nonsense.

Most people use it as a last chance for 2008. But I want to challenge you for 2009, as my eighth grade substitute teacher did awhile back, and that is to treat every day like its you're last. I'm not saying that you should get drunk every night but to have the concept that that was the last January 4, 2009 that you will ever experience and that you would change nothing about it.