Monday, September 28, 2009


Today after being ousted by my theater appreciation class, (sign in on a day that even the teacher doesn't show up???) I am sitting there thinking if I should go home and dominate some fools at poker or I should just get my book and find somewhere and read. I opted to read in order to preserve money (for Vegas!) and keep the bomb parking spot that I swept in for and stole from some pathetic quickie. I was just sitting there minding my own business when all of a sudden my main BRO replied to my WTF text and then said that there was this girl that matched him, that I had been telling him to approach and, "hit that," he then replied with a simple 5 letter text that wound up being a shot through the heart. (and yes, you give love a bad name!) However this shot was not a good one, that increased my psychitude and gave me massive amounts of psych, but a shot of disbelief and fear, seeing that everything that this bro has spoken has just been thrown out the window, by this hypocrite. The text ran in simple jargon, but from this BRO'S teachings and countless ridicule on me using this tone and verbal usage caused me to not only go over the top and say WTF right there in the library (and yes I actually said the whole thing, not the abbreviation) but also caused me to spiral into an uncontrolable rage that made my day go from bad to worse. Here I am dealing with a situation and my main BRO who has criticized me and taught me the arrant of my ways about this simple little phrase being evil and should be banished from my vocabulary and never heard again. Now you may be wondering, Wing Expert, what the hell did BRO say? I will reply with a direct quote, "I'll try really hard today," BRO. Now at first I detected a bit of sarcasm in the text, since I had been pushing him to approach these girls that he has had his eye on, but there have been obstacles that I didn't see before. (At first I just thought that it was BRO being BRO, because he thinks that because he looks so good that the girls should just see him then want him at that moment.) But now I see that we are dealing with a much greater obstacle than I could ever imagine.For BRO is trying, rather than doing.

BTW, I hate mac's.

-Wing Man out!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It has come to my knowledge that there is no French or German word for the word awesome. However in the language of american, and no i dont mean eubonics, we have the word awesome itself along with 39 synonyms and 1 antonym. Even though one of the synonyms is hairy we get the point. So in conclusion america wins while france and germany suck! (at different things for a friends sake, who is studying a broad.)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Back!!!!

I realized today, September 22, 2009 why exactly How I Met Your Mother is the best show that I have ever seen in my life. (Yea that’s right Doug, I officially have a new favorite all time favorite show) I have watched the first episode of season five 4 times and plan on watching it many more in the next couple of days. The first time was how I can put this, AWESOME! But watching 3 times the day after, Tuesday, I realized that it isn’t just the silly one liners that I text back and forth with my wing intern. (you like that, no name dropping!)It is the way that all the writers have the episodes all align with problems that you see at first as separate problems between the gang, but they happen to tie together and all relate to a same problem that they are all trying to figure out, together. The episode called “definitions” was awesome and I hope that they keep on making the episodes as they always have, while keeping in the witty one-liners that I can keep texting to my wing intern.

Wingman out!