Monday, June 22, 2009

A little background.......

Well I understand and agree with what my dear friend Pete is trying to do but it can’t be done. We can try, haha, but we can’t do it. If you believe in the heartwarming story of everyone doing instead of trying, but really then Pete needs to get out there and realize that there are a lot of things that we can’t do but can try. Take for instance me and calculus, it is proven that I can’t do it, ask Veilliux, but I tried (for the most part). Or for instance Pete himself, the creator of this new concept, can’t purr at unsuspecting females, granted he tries over and over again, but even he will admit to saying that he can’t do it. Another very strong point for defending my case is the game of golf, while Pete says that you shouldn’t try but do, well when Pete play’s me in golf he is not beating me, just merely trying to beat me. So this profound discovery of losing try and replacing it with do is a little farfetched since the creator of the theory tries in about everything he does.
I am stoked for the chance to go to the 2010 US Open, and if someone with the USGA is reading this I will be a hard working and perfect volunteer for any position that you put me in, and can also fill in if you think that the final pairing isn’t strong enough.
Wing Man!

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