Monday, January 12, 2009

Super Bowl

Oh how I love the super bowl, every year it comes as the epicenter of the year for my business since everyone and their dog come in to get some wings. I love this game even if I don’t get to watch the thing and only get to view highlights for the time being. Which is like every football game this year that has been played, I have been working all of the good ones, since we do get busy for those and have gotten to see some of the stinkers, but the super bowl is more than just a game for me, it is a signal showing that national signing day is up the week after the super bowl and then in one month comes spring training which gets me feeling good inside again so I can go watch my rangers disappoint again. But following that is what I am excited for truly this year, in April the masters will start and this year seems special to me because Tiger will be back and well that’s about it, I will admit that I am not a huge Tiger fan but watching him play when he is healthy is amazing. My dad always talks about how nobody was as good as Nicklaus, worked as hard as Hogan, or even had as big a following as Palmer, but in my lifetime Tiger Woods has been the amazing wonder that I have been able to watch and has been the most dominate in his sport than any athlete in my lifetime. Which excites me to see this year’s master with Tiger eyeing the green jacket for maybe one last time.

BTW if you do plan on coming into Wingstop this Super Bowl make sure to pre-pay for your wings otherwise be prepared to wait till half time.
-The Wing Expert

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I am a little Bro-fused

On Monday I will say nothing other than suiting up and prowling the cougar bars was top priority and all until the lord stopped me and said Kevin, "No good can come about you today and the only cougars that you will see are live cougars that will eat your flesh." Well he didn't say that exactly to me but with the freezing rain during his  downpour he got the point across to me. Therefore the cougar safari to be post-ponned until the day after the next...... Wednesday. Wednesday rolled around finally after an exhaustingly long Tuesday and as I am taking the Taurus into the shop to get it's oil changed and a new front right tire, to go with us on our trip to find these enchanting creatures I text to confirm our plans and my bro aka striker replies with a nonchalant, "no sorry," you can imagine that I was heart broken but still took the car to Firestone to get him fixed so that I could attempt this last journey before being put back into school, and I was going to do it Han style...... SOLO. Then I got a phone call from the Bossman that urged, wait begged me to come in and work that night. I thought well this quest for the cougars will be a tough one alone, and maybe i could take one next week, pending my wingman comes to his senses. (yea that's right striker with your lame ass excuse) So I averted my day to work to gain more monetary power over these cougars. Then after I get settled from Firestone I get a phone call from a wingman that has learned the error in his ways and now realizes that this is going to be our last go, well at least for the next couple of months, that he has changed his mind and feels awful for leading me on and wants to make it up by offering a sacrifice, but I wont say any names until maybe another blog???? I felt awful telling him that I had already accepting the position at work that night and had no way out. Then the evil person, whom I have never seen before came out and spoke in this evil low pitched sound that comes from the demons of the south and it said, WELL THEN I NEED MY SUITS BACK NOW!!!!! But I couldn't at the moment for I was having an interview with one of my minor league-rs about being my star in the next couple of years. But he demanded so I told the kid to wait and I would get back to her later, then I scurried on home. When he showed up I feared the worst that he would be mad and be trying to kill me for ruining his only chance since well come on isn't going to find anyone as good as me in such short notice and in all honesty he isn't as good as me where he can pull it off alone. So he proceeded to getting his suits, but as he left he turned and looked at me and with a tear in his eye he said, goodbye. So maybe there is hope that this one will come back but until he does I will continue to be a- wait for it and I hope you don't get lost -mazing.

Wing man out.

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years

The new year has come again, as it always does year in and year out, and being myself I spent it working. Then at home and actually fell asleep before it came. But as always, it came without me, and greeted me as I awoke up in the morning. (I did manage to aid in the best week for the store in the four year existence).

So to say that my new year was a waste of time would be nonsense.

Most people use it as a last chance for 2008. But I want to challenge you for 2009, as my eighth grade substitute teacher did awhile back, and that is to treat every day like its you're last. I'm not saying that you should get drunk every night but to have the concept that that was the last January 4, 2009 that you will ever experience and that you would change nothing about it.