Monday, November 8, 2010


This is the one word that can sum up the best birthday weekend of my young but perfect life. It's taken me twenty-two years to figure out what exactly is important to me and what I want to get out of life, mainly in the next five years. I want to look specifically into this past year and mainly highlighting this past weekend.

I can remember my twenty-first birthday when I got off work at midnight and my fellow wingmen accompanied me to. We enjoyed a lovely night and I truly do appreciate everthing that i've learned in my five years of work. But if you've ready the message underneath the title of this blog then you'll see that I am in fact a wing expert but that i'm looking for something better. I've gained a whole new perspective on what the "better" part of that sentence means and the work that it will take to get there. However it isn't what I want to be that I am leaning towards now but who I want to be there with me. I've grown much much closer to a 'tiga' that I initially just loved to mix up my rare and sometimes useless knowledge with. (thanks again babe!)

I am going to focus on the main topic for this blog post and am writing it with a day left in my wonderful birthday celebration. I am still in fact waiting here watching HIMYM (amazing!) and trying to put off writing a script and returning back to my regular life of school, work, and waiting for the day to get myself back out here. It's been a wonderful weekend with the birthday presents, cake, and the work that was put into making it special for me, thanks again babe!!! A Friday night dinner at a mexican restaraut with some cerveza while catching up with some wonderful amigos and of course my 'tiga' {:P}. The nightcap came early since it was to be an early saturday gameday (amazing!). We roll the next morning out and I am confused by all the approval i'm getting even though i'm rooting for the enemy for that day (even though my shirt would say differently). The game was wonderful even though it didn't turn out the way i'd planned, or did it? (amizing!) Either way I could live with and of course there's always next year, ;) ROLL TIDE! The night came again and after an early and eventful day we were both passed out agian for the night, which will never bother me. Sunday arrived and we were a little more energized than some of the other people we had told we would meet up with that night. We got to chill and watch some football games again that Sunday and we both sat with excitement waiting for the big surprise that was planned for me that night. Texas de Brazil was maybe the most wonderful dinner that i've ever had, even if it did take a lot to allow my 'tiga' to pay for the whole meal, just wait for your birthday babe! After dinner we shivered over to a bookstore and we found a wonderful movie that we were to watch, however once again we both clocked out early, fine by me! Monday morning came and we awoke to a calmer Monday than we were used to so we decided to catch up and watch our movie (amazing!).
Now i've arrived at the present and dont really know what is to come, but let me tell you this, it will be (how should I put this)........ AMAZING!!!!!!

Wing Man out!!!
Thanks again Babe, Muah!

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