Monday, December 7, 2009
Tim Tebow
P.S. I would much rather have missed on Tim Tebow and gotten Saban and had McElroy throwing Bama's passes in the championship game.
Wing Man Out!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Road Trip
I want to talk about Road Trips. Merriam-Webster defines a Road Trip as being an extended trip in a motor vehicle. I want to specifically focus on those taken in cars. While you may think that driving will limit your choices and options on the vast number of places that you can travel to, I see it as more of a challenge to be able to get to those places with a car. I am not saying that you should try to cross the Pacific Ocean in your 2001 Ford Taurus, even though that would be kind of interesting, but be creative. While trekking across the world would be fun and all, I really just want to focus on staying in this continent, mainly this country. I have been telling the legendary story of the recent Road Trip that Bro and I went on to almost anybody with capable hearing skills, and some people that don’t, and have found that nobody travels by car for long durations anymore, they would rather just fly. I answer back to those people that it is definitely more convenient, but then I ask, “Is convenient what you want?” If so then you are probably not taking a real Road Trip. You see a Road Trip involves good friends, a steady vehicle, and not knowing exactly what is going to happen when you get there. I have been on car rides with my family for the past 21 years and have realized that the more you know beforehand, the less fun you have when you actually arrive. I mean sure, I would like to know that there is somewhere for me to stay, how the weather will be, and maybe one big event that we will be attending, like the LSU vs. Arkansas game (which was awesome!). But even those aren’t necessary for the Road Trip. My vision of a Road Trip is something that is just spontaneous and you go on by the seat of your pants and make the decisions as they come (you may want to bring extra cash). But that is what makes a Road Trip, you and you friend(s) going across this great country and deciding on what to do on your way to wherever you are going. So I challenge you, my followers, to grab some friends, get together in a car and just go somewhere new. I mean sure it may cause a lot of traffic and fill a lot of hotel vacancies, but wouldn’t that help out this country a little bit? Anyways it beats the alternative, work.
Wing Man Out!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving Weekend '09
"I have driven 1024 miles the past three days and it was worth every single one.Just trust me when I say that and LSU football game, especially the one against Arkansas, is something that you must partake in and have some fun with, it is one of those once in a lifetime things. At least I hope not.
great game, great friends, great weekend."
For those who attended the game with us, got us the tickets with ID's, gave us somewhere to stay, and showed us another awesome time in Louisiana; that what Happens in Baton Rouge, stays in Baton Rouge. And Thank You abunch!
Wing Man Out!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Well Well Well
Wing Man out!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wingman OUT!
Monday, October 12, 2009
I want to start with elevator behavior. When you are going to get on an elevator the rule is to wait for those to get off first, then you board the elevator. You don't stand by the door frantically waiting for the doors to open like a little kid who has never ridden one before, but you are patient. The elevator is not going to just open, let the people out, and then say nevermind and just go back up. So be patient, wait for others to get off, and hey maybe give them a nod or a nice, "Hello, how are you?"
What Would Your Mother Think?
Wingman Out!
Also I hate to say this but Go Angels!
*I am starting right now to push that Opening Day in Major League Baseball become a holiday, and I dont mean a fake holliday (like matt), I mean if Christopher Columbus gets a holiday then why cant something that is more American get one? Columbus didnt even win the race to the promised land, baseball did.
Wingman out!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Hit
You just simply marvel at the batter who overcame adversity to triumph and achieve second base….
Wingman Out!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Wing Man Out
Monday, September 28, 2009
BTW, I hate mac's.
-Wing Man out!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
It's Back!!!!
Wingman out!
Monday, June 22, 2009
A little background.......
I am stoked for the chance to go to the 2010 US Open, and if someone with the USGA is reading this I will be a hard working and perfect volunteer for any position that you put me in, and can also fill in if you think that the final pairing isn’t strong enough.
Wing Man!
Monday, June 15, 2009
New Time = Badass Season
-Article 96
“Bros shall go camping once a year, or at least attempt to start a fire”
I quickly ran through the recollection of my HIMYM knowledge and realized that they hadn’t gone camping in an episode yet, well there was the Bracket episode where Barney revealed that he had gone camping with a girl, had sex, and then left her. (we don’t really see if Barney had sex but come on… it’s Barney.) So hopefully in this next season we will get a badass camping episode with the gang (and Ted). What has me thinking this is the new time that HIMYM will air on, this next season. It will be thirty minutes earlier starting next week for those who need the news bulletin. So hopefully, like in the Bracket episode again, big board = big results I am hoping that New time = badass season, or if I could steal a quote from a dear friend legen……………..
Friday, May 22, 2009
Turning Around
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Super Bowl
BTW if you do plan on coming into Wingstop this Super Bowl make sure to pre-pay for your wings otherwise be prepared to wait till half time.
-The Wing Expert
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I am a little Bro-fused
Wing man out.
Monday, January 5, 2009
New Years
So to say that my new year was a waste of time would be nonsense.
Most people use it as a last chance for 2008. But I want to challenge you for 2009, as my eighth grade substitute teacher did awhile back, and that is to treat every day like its you're last. I'm not saying that you should get drunk every night but to have the concept that that was the last January 4, 2009 that you will ever experience and that you would change nothing about it.