Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years

The new year has come again, as it always does year in and year out, and being myself I spent it working. Then at home and actually fell asleep before it came. But as always, it came without me, and greeted me as I awoke up in the morning. (I did manage to aid in the best week for the store in the four year existence).

So to say that my new year was a waste of time would be nonsense.

Most people use it as a last chance for 2008. But I want to challenge you for 2009, as my eighth grade substitute teacher did awhile back, and that is to treat every day like its you're last. I'm not saying that you should get drunk every night but to have the concept that that was the last January 4, 2009 that you will ever experience and that you would change nothing about it.

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