Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Hit

For it is not the degree to which I roped the baseball down the line but that I hit it after countless years of hearing that I, Wing Expert, would never get a hit off of this unhittable pitching machine that isn’t afraid to throw at J-Long in batting practice, even with the coach standing behind. (BTW J-Long started crying I think, and he didn’t even get hit). But I digress, so the fact that I was facing this pitcher and had fallen behind after taking some mammoth sized hacks at the first two pitches I managed to work the count back to even at 2-2. I then looked up at the pitcher, since he is on a mound and throwing down to me, (doesn’t seem fair right?) I then stepped into the box and awaited the punch out pitch I knew that he would throw, you see he has a sign that he gives away when he throws this pitch, he gave me a chuckle as if he thought that I was already out. The pitch came and I gripped my bat with a deadly interlocking grip and thrust my weight back then pushed forward in a gingerly sweep through the baseball making clean contact and roping the ball so hard that it turned into a white blur and the left fielder who I agree couldn’t change from a H&S of anchor 1 to a three shot then cut to a pic all in a swoop while on the air. But do you blame this young man who has been put into a position that he should never had been in?
You just simply marvel at the batter who overcame adversity to triumph and achieve second base….

Wingman Out!

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